Your WELLthyNESS starts here.

"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
asked Alice
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,"
said the Cat.
"I don't much care where—"
said Alice.
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go,"
replied the Cat.
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

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Who do you want to be?

Henry Ford, the famous automobile pioneer, characterized people as Planners, Producers, and Principals. Each character’s traits are essential for high-level success.

WELLthyNESS embodies Henry Ford’s three characters: Principals aspire to a definite purpose; Producers acquire achievable goals, and Planners prepare for action.

The WELLthyNESS App is a three-stage template to assist you define your Principal Aspirations, acquire your Producer goals, and identify your Planner actions.

Your WELLthyNESS journey begins here by aspiring, acquiring, and actioning Principal, Producer, and Planner traits.

Bon Voyage.


Who do you want to be?

Family Assets

Create a Life Plan to acquire your family aspirations.

Social Assets

Create a Life Plan for contributing to your community.

Learned Assets

Create a Life Plan for developing your learned expertise.

Genetic Assets

Create a Life Plan for enhancing your physical abilities.

Earned Assets

Create a Life Plan for charting your career aspirations.

Money Assets

Create a Life Plan to fund the life to which you aspire.

Inner Assets

Create a Life Plan for being the Me that you want to be.

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Billionaire Compass Book

There are many books on business and personal development. How is Billionaire Compass different? From Astor to Zuckerberg the great titans of American business have defined themselves by who they are as much as what they did to create stupendous levels of wealth. 
Billionaire Compass breaks new ground by describing and contrasting the personal wellthyness traits of America's greatest business titans who achieved what others said couldn't be done. Wellthyness encompasses family, social, learned, genetic, earned, money, and inner wealth assets. 
Billionaire Compass identifies the teachings from business and psychology research that underpins business and personal success. By understanding the roles of Principal, Producer, and Planner you too can Aspire, Action, and Acquire Wellthyness.